First Tech Counselor Visit
I have been really busy of late with other things that have kept me from building. Nothing terribly interesting, but things.
I got a call from my A&P/IA that lives around the corner from me who asked if he and his Dad could stop by and check out the progress. His Dad just happens to be an EAA Tech Counselor. I said “sure, have him bring some paperwork.”
So they stopped over and checked out the tail and the spar work thus far. I was pleased by his encouraging words and praise. Seems I am doing a decent job at building, so that is a boost.
I also found out I have a ride to Oshkosh this year. A fellow CAP Pilot and RV-6 owner graciously offered his empty seat to me. Thanks Kent! The experience will certainly give me some good exposure to a tail dragger and the RV-6/7 feel/handling. I am super excited!
I love this EAA/RV community!
I love my patient wife more! 😉